Sunday, April 29, 2012

First Communion (17 of 52)

Hello my friends,

Here is one, of my oldest, the day of her First Communion.  She was so excited and nervous.  There were lots of people everywhere that day, so it was difficult to get a clean background in any of the photos I took that day.  Although this background is pretty plain, I was happy to capture my daughters excitement. 


Monday, April 23, 2012

A Sip (16 of 52)

Hello all,

Hope everyone is doing good.  I caught this one after my wife took a sip of coffee.  I call it "A Sip".  :)

Take care, AP

Sunday, April 15, 2012

An Apple A Day! (15 of 52)

Hello all,

I created this one with a little light painting and some use of Lightroom.  I was at the grocery store the other day and while walking through the produce section I saw a sign above the apples that said "Organic".  This photo idea popped in my head wondering what the other apples are created from.  I call this "An Apple A Day!". 


Bugging Out (14 of 52)

Hello all,

Its time for me to get caught back up.  For this week I have to invoke rule #2 and drawing from the past month or so.  I call this one "Bugging Out".  I took this while visiting the San Diego Museum of Art.  I almost missed this one, this awesome VW Bug was located in a corridor going to the restroom.  I took this photo without a flash for it was not allowed. 


Sunday, April 1, 2012

You Dropped One (13 of 52)

Hello All,

When my family and I were at my companies children Easter festival this past weekend, my wife and I sat down to watch the kids play.  My youngest picked up a leaf and started walking the parking stops block like a gymnist.  This was the result of just being in the right place at the right time. 

I call it " You Dropped One"