Thursday, May 31, 2012

Growing Creativity (21 of 52)

Hello my friends,

Sometime back I got into a discussion with some of my co-workers about creativity, the discussion was whether someone could be trained to be creative or is it just a natural gift.

So here is my homage to this topic.  I call it "Growing Creativity".


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Bring a Towel (20 of 52)

Hello my friends,

Well my wife volunteered us to fill 200 water balloons for my youngest's k3 class, they are having water day this week. Conveniently, she was not present to help in this effort, but there is no "I" in team, only a "m" and an 'e".  Just kidding baby... love you.  That last sentence was for the wife, so don't you all get to excited.   

About 1.5hrs later I ended up with a bin full of water-balloons.  I immediately pulled out the camera and took a few shots.  I call it "Bring a Towel"



Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pick Me (19 of 52)

Hello my friends,

I had the opportunity to take the wife out for drinks the other day; grandma and grandpa were watching the kiddos (thanks mom and dad).  I shot this one while ordering drinks with my Canon S100.  (ISO 1600, f2.0, 1/13sec in RAW mode.)  I call it "Pick Me" 



Saturday, May 5, 2012

Perigee Moon Over SATown (18 of 52)

It was a Perigee (Super) moon today, this only only occurs once a year and will be at its furthest point in November (Apogee Moon).  Good friends of ours lent us there telescope with a Nikon camera adapter.  There is some atmosphereic effect around the edges, but I could not be more happy with my 1st attempt.  Thanks Mike and Audrey for supporting my habit. 

I call this one "Perigee Moon Over SATown"
