Sunday, June 30, 2013

Lotus Drop (Week 26 of 52)

Hello My Friends,

I freaking love science.  A buddy of mine sent me a link to Never Wet.  This stuff is Awesome.  It is a coating product that creates a superhydrophobic layer on the object it is sprayed on.  In other words, it prevents water from sticking.   Rustoleum sales it for $20 at Home Depot. 

I call this one "Lotus Drop", since a Lotus leaf beads water similarly.

Can you guess what I coated?  I will give you a hint, its ratio is 6.14 x 2.61.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

A Walk to the Park (Week 25 of 2013)

Hello My Friends,

This week I was trying compose with leading lines and symmetry.  I took this one at Hemisphere Park on a Sunny day.  No golden hour here, just hot blazing hour.
It is a hand shot (i.e. no tripod), f/4.5, 1/200, ISO 100, 85mm.

I have also been trying to crop in camera (i.e. compose the shot I want) and not crop post process.  Trying to do better at this to reduce time editing and spend more time shooting.   

Again here are two of my favorite models (my girls).  I call this one "A Walk to the Park".

Until next week. 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Vino (Week 24 of 2013)

Hello My Friends,

Sorry I have been gone for so long. 
Here is one I call "Vino"

It's a shot of my wine glass with reflective light in the background. 
I was actually trying for a rim reflection effect, but I need more practice setting that shot up. 

Taken with my awesome Father's Day gift, Nikon D600 :)
That's right, full frame baby!  Looking forward to seeing what this puppy can do. 

Take Care,