Saturday, September 17, 2011

Liquid stop...

Hi all,

I didn't have to much time to miss with this one, but I am pleased, in general, with results. 
I wanted to stop time. 

Setup: Wine glass, water with food color, 100w light can, camera, wood board, mop, and pitcher. 

Shot setting as seen: 55mm, Iso 1600 (A bit high, need an external trigger flash), f/7.1, 1/1000sec. 

Overall, I am generally happy with the results.  I wanted a little more stop action to the water, maybe a higher speed next time.  The most difficult part was pouring the water into the glass. 

It seems I am on a 4 elements kick lately.  Let see I did smoke (air) and water.... maybe fire or earth is next.   


  1. I know it's frozen in time, but looks like it's frozen in space, i.e. looks like ice. Neat work. Now clean up your mess.

  2. Awesome job Albert, keep up the good work : )

  3. @BigOwl: It was messy. I wanted a little more depth of field (more f/stop maybe??). I will have to try to capture a drop of water in a bowl next time.

    @Gina: Thanks

