Sunday, September 22, 2013

Taking Back My Crayons (37 of 52)

Hello my friends,

I have been reading a lot on the subject of creativity lately, how to encourage it, cultivate it, grow it, call upon it, nurture it, etc... In one book I am reading, it said basically when you are young you are encouraged to use your imagination, color, draw, sing, play... you are given a box of crayons.  Then as you grow and your education continues you are taught rules, facts, laws, history, the creative learning process stops and basically your crayons are taken away from you.  Well I am taking my crayons back :)

I call this one "Taking Back My Crayons!"

Took this one outside on my back deck.  The backgound pattern you see is my deck slats and shadows from the trees.  I used a flash as a fill light.  This also improved the contrast of the image. 



  1. Good job! I think is has been shown that 3rd grade is about the point where kids have learned to "stay within the lines" and it's downhill from that point where creativity is concerned. Congratulations on taking back your crayons.

    By the way: Was the camera held in your left hand or on a tripod?

  2. @BigOwl: The camera was on a tripod to keep it steady. To much movement to do manually.
