Saturday, August 25, 2012

Harpers Ferry (30 of 52)

Hello My Friends,

This past week I had an opportunity to visit Harpers Ferry in West Virginia.  Talk about a town full of history.  I didn't have much time, only spent about 45mins looking around.  It's a very neat place, I will definetly try to go again. 

The town itself was pretty busy with tourists (including myself). 
By shear luck, the street was empty during this shoot. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Femme (29 of 52)

Hello My Friends,

I came across an article the other day, about how Pablo Picasso experimented with light as a painting media.  It inspired me to have some fun.

Here is my tribute to Picasso; and my version of "Femme", one of my favorite paintings by him. 
In his light painting works, you could always see him in the background. 

Also, attached is an image of the original for reference.   

I had a blast with this one


Friday, August 10, 2012

Lily (28 of 52)

Hello my friends,

The family and I went to Lost Pines Hyatt Resort last week for a mini-vacation.  We had a blast.  There was a water pond outside the room and my little ones wanted to look for fairies there.  Here is one that I took that morning.  I call it  "Lily".