Saturday, September 28, 2013

Know Thyself (38 of 52)

Hello my friends,

I have been wanting to do this one for sometime. 
I probably could of spent a whole day perfecting this shot and image, but I applied the engineering adage of "shoot the engineer" to "shoot the photographer" to keep this project reasonable. 

1- wooden artist model picked up years ago at Michaels.
1- Adam The Doodles Man picked up during out last visit to the McNay Art Museum.
1- off camera flash.
1- remote trigger for the flash.
1- 50mm prime lens.
1- D600 camera.
1- tripod.
1- bookcase with glass doors.
1- my wife's office as stage.  Note to self:  Don't forget to put wife's stuff  back to there original places.

The reflection is from glass door on my wife's office bookshelves.  The hardest part of the project was to get the reflection to show up clear.  Overall I am happy with the results. 

I call this one "Know Thyself".

If you want more details, just ask. 


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Taking Back My Crayons (37 of 52)

Hello my friends,

I have been reading a lot on the subject of creativity lately, how to encourage it, cultivate it, grow it, call upon it, nurture it, etc... In one book I am reading, it said basically when you are young you are encouraged to use your imagination, color, draw, sing, play... you are given a box of crayons.  Then as you grow and your education continues you are taught rules, facts, laws, history, the creative learning process stops and basically your crayons are taken away from you.  Well I am taking my crayons back :)

I call this one "Taking Back My Crayons!"

Took this one outside on my back deck.  The backgound pattern you see is my deck slats and shadows from the trees.  I used a flash as a fill light.  This also improved the contrast of the image. 


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Little too Late (36 of 52)

Hello my friends,

I am playing a some catch-up on my 52 pic adventure for the year.   

Texas has been under severe drought condition most of the summer.  Lots of rivers have dried up.  Lots of brown lawns.  I even did a rain dance the other day to see if it would help.   

We had a tease of a shower this afternoon.  Rained for about 1 min and then stop.  I was looking at my lawn and came across one of my Mexican Heather plants that I lost.  I ran back into the house to grab my gear. 

Taken with a 10x close-up filter, f/22, 1/125sec, on a tripod.  The problem with using a close-filter is you get a lot of distortion around the edging. 

I call this one: "Little too Late"


Saturday, September 7, 2013

Selfie (35 of 52)

Hello my friends,

I have not taken a self-portrait in a while, so I figured it was about time.  But you know me, I had to try to make it interesting, so here is my version. 

Shot wide open f/1.8 with 50mm prime lens. 

I call it "Selfie" 
