Sunday, August 25, 2013

Deadly Beauty (34 of 52)

Hello Everyone,

Here is one I hope you will find interesting. 
Created using a projector, model (my wife ;)... I should start paying and tripod.

Shot at ISO 3200, 1/50sec, f/14. 

I call it "Deadly Beauty"


Sunday, August 18, 2013

Double Take (33 of 52)

Hello My Friends,

For this week I set my goal to use the multiple exposure feature on my D600.  I figured how hard could this be.  I understood the base concept, which is two shots on one frame.  To be honest, it was harder than I thought.  Taking multiple exposures really makes you think about the lighting in your shot. Where is it in your 1st shot? Where is it in your second? How will it blend??

Yes this can be done in post processing (e.g. Photoshop), but what fun is that.  Okay... it can be fun, but this was much more challenging. 

I am not sure how much I will use this feature in the future.  Post processing in Photoshop would be easier in my opinion, but it is nice to know I have options.  I might try using it for motion blur next time, rather than overlay.  Maybe even using a tripod.  We will see... 

Here is one using this feature.  I call this one "Double Take". 



Saturday, August 10, 2013

Inspiration from the Past (32 of 52)

Hello My Friend,

Here is one I call " Inspiration from the Past".  My wife and I had the opportunity to take the kiddos to the Johnson Space Center in Houston.  We all had a blast.  Here is one that I captured during the visit. 

It is of my girls looking at the Saturn V rocket displayed in Rocket Park.  This rocket is on display inside a metal building.  They couldn't believe how long and big it was. 

Shot Stats: ISO 5000, f/5.6, 1/250sec. 

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Texas Heroes (31 of 52)

Hello My Friends,

Today I got to visit The Texas Vietnam Heroes Exhibit at the Institute of Texan Cultures.  What a powerful exhibit.

It was free admission Sunday so the Institute had a good crowd, lots of folks viewing the exhibit. 
The exhibit is a tribute and memorial to the 3,417 Texans who gave there lives in the Vietnam War.  The exhibit consists of 3,417 individual dog tags that visitors are able to touch.  As people search through the dog tags the clanging of them against each other is so amazing and very surreal. 

Here is my tribute to these fallen Texan heroes.  I highly recommend the exhibit.  I believe it will be at the Institute of Texan Cultures until Aug 25th.  Here is a little more about the exhibit.

I got this one when the main dome movie started.  For those not familiar with the Texan Culture dome shows, it is a multi screen movie that plays in the main dome area of the Institute on the subject of Texas history.  Its about 10mins long.  When everyone was distracted by the movie, I cranked my ISO way up, drop my f-stop and was able to grab a few shots of this amazing exhibit.  

Shot: 50mm, f/1.8, 1/60sec, ISO 4000.  Do to my f/1.8 aperture my depth of focus was very narrow, giving the image a Lens Baby effect, in my opinion. 

I call this one "Texas Heroes"