Sunday, June 30, 2013

Lotus Drop (Week 26 of 52)

Hello My Friends,

I freaking love science.  A buddy of mine sent me a link to Never Wet.  This stuff is Awesome.  It is a coating product that creates a superhydrophobic layer on the object it is sprayed on.  In other words, it prevents water from sticking.   Rustoleum sales it for $20 at Home Depot. 

I call this one "Lotus Drop", since a Lotus leaf beads water similarly.

Can you guess what I coated?  I will give you a hint, its ratio is 6.14 x 2.61.


  1. Beautiful shot!
    And a good idea. Who wants to carry around soggy cash? 8=)

  2. I've been reading about the Never Wet product and I must get some. There are dozens of applications waiting at my house. Thanks for the info.

  3. @BigOwl: You guessed it. I coated a dollar bill. Its pretty cool stuff, NeverWet that is. I haven't tried fabric yet, but will soon. I was thinking about coating a speaker and photo the water bouncing of the cone. We will see. AP
