Sunday, October 23, 2011

Self Portrait

This one has some personal significance too me. 

In general, I tend to be the shooter (the photographer) and rarely in many photos, especially with my family and friends.  I don't mind really (maybe I do a little), but every once in a while I like to make a rare appearance. 

Mainly because one day, when my kids are grown up, I would like to pull the old photo book out.... okay okay... old iPad out and say.... look that's me.. I was not always old. 

In that effort, I took a self portrait, a little vain... yes... but it was for science (experience) sake.

I decided to go with B&W, I just like B&W photos better.  Maybe next time I will smile more. 

Here is the result.
Lighting in my garage was challenging, even with a external flash. 

ISO = 100
Local Length = 55
F-Stop = f/11
Shutter Speed 1/30sec
External Speedlight to left (Photographer propestive)
Black sheet as background


  1. Nice portrait. You even got the required light spots in the eyes. I heard somewhere that "B/W reveals the person; color only shows the clothes." or something like that.
    If you are really brave you can keep that set-up and repeat the shot each year.

  2. Thanks BigOwl. I really like the idea of a yearly shot.

  3. I agree with BigOwl, nice work. Here is a suggestion that might make the shot even stronger. Lighten the image about 5-10% and then tone it a little just a touch just enough that you think its pure B&W until you really look at it.

    Photographer some times refer to themselves at the model of last resort. We can't always convince the family to play along with dad.

  4. @Rich: Thanks for the suggestion. I will have to try that next time. "Model of Last Resort"..isn't that the truth. Did you ever start a blog here on Blogger?

  5. I'm still planning to set up a blog. The last week I spent cleaning up my website the were some things needed fixing and I also posted some new photos. Now I'm stuck on picking a name--I always do that It took me two weeks to pick the name for my site.
