Saturday, September 3, 2011

First Shots with my Prime Lens :)

Got my the 35mm Prime lens in this gotta love Amazon.  Paula had to work tonight, so I told my girls that we would head to the park when the sun started to go down.  They had been couped up inside most of the day due to the heat, so they were excited. 

This gave me the opportunity to try my new lens out on my two of my three favorite subjects...

Here are some of the results....  I am so glad I got the is awesome! 


  1. Good shots. The bottom one is especially good use of selective focus. And I'll bet you left that errant hair over her face just to show how sharp that lens is. 8=) A really nice portrait.

  2. Thanks BigOwl.
    You are giving me to much credit... errant hair... oh wait that is exacting what I was going for.

    I was happy with that last one... even got some bokeh effects with the lights through the leaves. Thats one advantage of a low f/stop.

